Check Out These Upcoming Events

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We have a number of exciting events coming up—check them out!

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We have a number of upcoming events to be excited about, so I’d like to bring you up to speed today.

  • “Turning Wine Into Water”—Join us Friday, March 23, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., for a free wine tasting. Bring your friends and enjoy some wine, hors d’oeuvres, sangria, and beer. If you decide to purchase any wine, a portion of the proceeds will towards building wells in developing areas in Africa.
  • Low-Cost Pet Vaccination Clinic—Starting on April 22, we will provide vaccinations for pets who are due for their shots. It is 50% off the retail cost of vaccinations, so it’s very affordable; you cannot find a cheaper place online. 100% of the proceeds will go to saving homeless animals. This event will be held once a month.
  • Police, Fire, and EMT Appreciation Lunch—This will be held on Thursday, April 12, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you know someone in one of these fields, please invite them and let them know that their work and sacrifices are appreciated.
  • Home Seller Seminar—Held on Thursday, April 26, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday, April 28, from 10 a.m. to noon. Food will be provided on both days. This seminar will clue you into what is going on in the real estate market right now and give you advice about selling your home.
  • Pet Adoption Day—This is a quarterly event, and our next one will be May 12, from 9 a.m. to noon. Please inform anyone who might be in the market to adopt a dog or a cat. We have great success with this event; many people who wouldn’t have thought to adopt a pet before seeing this event change their minds and give homes to animals in need.
  • Armed Forces Appreciation Day—Held Saturday, May 19, from 11 a.m. to noon. We’d like to thank all active and retired members of the Armed Forces for their service, so we’ll be having a barbecue appreciation lunch.

Our office is located at 2249 Roswell Road in Marietta, Georgia. If you have any questions about these events, please feel free to reach out to me.Share these events with your friends, family, and co-workers!